Welcome to my blog.
I hope you’ll find these posts thought-provoking. Feel free to comment on my LinkedIn page, linking to the post.

What Might Be Possible?
If you’ve been reading my content for a while, you know I just won’t “go there” when it comes to cynicism, doom, and gloom.

One Thing I Know
“How are you?” What a simple question. We probably ask it at least a few times each day, and answer just as often.

Announcing: Foundations of Inclusive Leadership
An invitation to an impactful learning experience.

Watch Your But
We need all the help we can get identifying our unconscious biases. It turns out that help is but a word away.

Fixing Things When We Mess Up
How do we fix things when we mess up? Here are 3 dos and 2 don’ts.

Intent Matters. Impact Matters More.
Leaders need to reckon with the impact of our actions, even — or, especially — when it doesn’t align with our intent.

Train the Brain. Tame the Lion.
It takes work to retrain our brains, but we need to do it.

Lions in the Workplace
If we see lions everywhere we look, how can be build trust and empathy in the workplace?

Jason on the Humans at Work podcast
Jason appears as a guest on Michael Glazer’s Humans at Work podcast. They discuss a wide range of issues relating to power in the workplace.